Understanding the shock, pain, and anxiety that comes after a terminal diagnosis is often best articulated through first-person stories. For the first Art of Dying Well podcast of 2025, we’re speaking to Matt Parkes about how he cared for his dad, Jeff, at the end of his life.
You can listen here, or from our podcasts page, or on Buzzsprout, where you can sign up for future episodes.
Aside from birth, dying is the only other experience we will all share. So why do we find it so hard to talk about? Learn more
Living with the knowledge that death is close at hand can take a huge toll. It can feel like you're on an emotional rollercoaster. Learn more
How can you find meaning in what's happening? Rising above grief and connecting spiritually to something greater might help. Learn more
Dying well, or what constitutes a 'good' death will mean different things to us all. But if you can face up to dying and try to prepare now, this could help you to live well too. Learn more
Caring for someone who is terminally ill, and worrying about the future can be very demanding. It's important to remember to care for yourself too. Learn more